According to a recent study, 84.1 percent of people 18 years and older have drank alcohol in their lifetime, and 29.5 million Americans over the age of 12 experienced an alcohol use disorder within the past year.
Health experts agree that the best approach to drinking alcohol is moderation. Moderation generally means one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. Examples of one drink include:
Moderate alcohol consumption is linked to some health benefits. Research shows potential links to reducing heart disease by raising ‘good’ cholesterol, reducing the formation of blood clots, preventing artery damage, and improving the function of the cell lining of blood vessels.
“While moderate drinking can have a variety of health benefits, heavy drinking does just the opposite,” said Hannah Smith, Associate Chief Operating Officer at Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic. “Too much alcohol consumption can increase your risk of heart disease and other major health complications.”
Below, we explain how alcohol moves through the body and affects physical and mental health while drinking, the day after drinking, and in the long run.
When alcohol first goes into the body, it is not digested like food. Instead, it passes quickly into the bloodstream before mainly affecting four parts of the body: the stomach, brain, kidneys, and liver.
After a number of drinks, depending on your body, you’ll likely experience:
When alcohol goes into the brain, it affects the balance of chemicals and signal processes that can alter thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Some people may feel more relaxed after drinking alcohol. This is because alcohol suppresses activity in the part of the brain associated with inhibition. The more alcohol a person drinks, the less balanced their thoughts and emotions become.
“The way that alcohol changes one’s mental health while drinking differs from person to person,” said Katelyn Gregory, Manager of Central Access for Chemical Dependency. “Some people experience more negative emotions while others have the opposite effect.”
While alcohol can make you feel drowsy and groggy, it actually decreases the quality of sleep – even if it feels like you’re falling asleep faster and sleeping longer.
“After drinking, you’re less likely to get good REM sleep and you’re more likely to experience nightmares or vivid dreams,” Gregory said.
Often called a hangover, it is common to feel the effects of heavily drinking alcohol the following day. People often experience:
These symptoms are a result of a combination of ways that alcohol affects the body, including dehydration, inflammation, irritation of the stomach lining, lessening of blood sugar, and expansion of blood vessels.
In general, the more you drink, the more likely you’ll experience such symptoms the next day. However, everyone is different, and some people experience a hangover after just one drink.
Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it affects the brain's balance of chemicals linked to mood, like dopamine and serotonin.
“Some people may feel a boost in mood while drinking in small amounts, too much alcohol consumption can lead to feelings of depression or anxiety the following day,” Gregory said.
Studies show heavy drinking and depression influence one another. Research also points to the benefits of reducing alcohol consumption on a person’s mood, memory, and sleep quality.
Heavy consumption of alcohol on a regular basis can have several long-term physical effects
Drinking heavily and regularly has been shown to be associated with symptoms of depression. Alcohol affects the nerve-chemical systems in the body that are important in regulating mood. Research has linked symptoms of depression to regular or heavy consumption of alcohol.
Gregory adds that long-term heavy drinking can lead to a variety of mental health issues, including alcohol dependency.
“Factors like drinking at an early age, genetics and family history, and history of trauma can increase the risk of alcohol dependency.”
Alcohol abuse disorder is a medical condition in which a person has a hard time stopping or controlling their drinking, even if it affects them badly in their social, work, or personal lives.
For those experiencing alcohol dependency, the long-term mental and physical effects are more severe and can include hallucinations, liver damage, severe depression, and more. It is always better to ask for help than try to handle it alone.
“Handling something like alcohol abuse disorder is different for every individual experiencing it,” Gregory said. “Seeking help is the best way to fully understand your body, your mind, and your next steps in recovery.”