2018 Health Care Achievement Award Goes to Dr. Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown, MD, received an award from the Rochester Business Journal for being an innovative healthcare provider in the Rochester area.

Feb. 16, 2018

Christopher Brown, MD

Christopher Brown, MD, is the medical director of Rochester Regional Health Sports Medicine and currently practices sports medicine at Rochester Regional Health Finger Lakes Bone and Joint Center. The Rochester Business Journal created this achievement award program "to recognize excellence, promote innovation and honor the efforts of organizations and individuals making a significant impact on the quality of health care in our area."

Dr. Brown was awarded this honor in the category of Healthcare Innovation, which recognizes medical care providers responsible for developments of new procedures, devices, or treatments that can save lives or improve the quality of life for a large number of people.

MACI: The Game-Changing Alternative

In August 2017, Dr. Brown became the first surgeon in upstate New York to implement a new knee cartilage treatment that uses the patient's own cartilage cells to repair the damage. Surgery was conducted at Newark-Wayne Community Hospital.

This procedure allows the patient to be part of their own pain solution by using their own healthy cells to help repair damaged ones. This could help dozens of people who live in constant pain because of bone-on-bone friction, due to the loss of cushion that cartilage provides.

The MACI procedure is used to treat defects in the cartilage that cover the surface of the joints, so that movement is smooth and pain-free.

Innovation on the Operating Table

Besides his MACI procedures, Dr. Brown is recognized as an innovative surgeon who is always willing to adapt and learn new cutting-edge techniques that benefit his patients. He has employed several advanced procedures for shoulder and knee repair including superior capsule reconstruction (a special procedure for irreparable rotator cuff tears where he uses a graft to replace the rotator cuff); allograft osteochondral transplant (for which he procures a size-matched cadaverous donor and then transplants a fresh graft within 21 days); and autograft osteochondral transplant (uses small plugs of bone and cartilage from patient's knee and moves it to the problem area).

Finger Lakes Bone and Joint Center is proud to have an innovative physician like Dr. Brown serving our community and region! Congratulations again Dr. Brown, for winning the 2018 Health Care Achievement Award!